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Zoning Commission Public Hearing Minutes 11/08/04


Monday, November 8, 2004

The Old Lyme Zoning Commission held a Regular Meeting on Monday, November 8, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of Memorial Town Hall.  Members present were Jane Marsh (Acting Chairman), Tom Risom (Member), John Johnson (Alternate) and Steven Ames (Alternate).  Also present was Ann Brown, Zoning Enforcement Officer.

1.      Convene Meeting; announcement of voting alternates.

Acting Chairman Marsh called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  She noted that Mr. Ames and Mr. Johnson would be seated this evening.

A motion was made by John Johnson, seconded by Tom Risom and voted unanimously to move Item 2 up on the agenda.

2.      Proposed Amendment to Section7.2.3 of the Old Lyme Zoning Regulations, Jeff Flower, applicant.

Mr. Flower was present to explain the proposed amendment.  He noted that the words printed in black ink under 7.2.3(a) and 7.2.3(b) are word for word from Section 7.2.3 of the new regulations (regulation rewrite).  He noted that Section 7.2.3 deals with land in two zones.  Mr. Flower stated that he proposes Section 7.2.3(c) which considers the lot to be in whichever zone has more land.

Ms. Marsh stated that she would rather see the land developed under the regulations for the larger of the two zones.  

Mr. Risom stated that in the past they had modified lot lines for property owners whose lots fall in two different zones.  Mr. Flower stated that the proposal is a good solution for all the lots in Town split by a zone line.  

A motion was made by John Johnson, seconded by Tom Risom and voted unanimously to accept the Proposed Amendment to Section 7.2.3 of the Old Lyme Zoning Regulations, Jeff Flower, applicant, and to set the Public Hearing for Monday, December 13, 2004.

3.      Site Plan/Special Exception Modification Application to allow outdoor seating, Koffee Works, 83 Halls Road, Peter Anastas, applicant.  Receipt.

Ms. Brown noted that the applicant has indicated that he is withdrawing this application.  She explained that because the withdrawal has not been received in writing, she would suggest that the Zoning Commission set the Public Hearing.

A motion was made by Tom Risom, seconded by John Johnson and voted unanimously to accept the Site Plan/Special Exception Modification Application to allow outdoor seating, Koffee Works, 83 Halls Road, Peter Anastas, applicant, and to set the Public Hearing for Monday, December 13, 2004.

4.      Site Plan/Special Exception Modification Application to defer parking under Section 41.8, 77, 82 and 87 Lyme Street, Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, applicant.  Receipt.

Ms. Brown stated that the Academy evaluated their current parking levels and are requesting modification to their Special Exception to defer parking.

A motion was made by Tom Risom, seconded by John Johnson and voted unanimously to accept the Site Plan/Special Exception Modification Application to defer parking under Section 41.8, 77, 82 and 87 Lyme Street, Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, applicant, and to set the Public Hearing for Monday, December 13, 2004.

5.      Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by John Johnson, seconded by Tom Risom and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2004 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing, the October 13, 2004 Regular Meeting and the October 25, 2004 Special Meeting.

6.      Zoning Enforcement Report

Ms. Brown reviewed the enforcement report.

7.      Regulation Rewrite – Set Special Meeting

No meeting set.

8.      Any new or old business to come before Commission.


9.      Miscellaneous/Adjourn

The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. on a motion by John Johnson and seconded by Tom Risom.  So voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan J. Bartlett
Recording Secretary